Currently our focus is Africa, local missions and meeting needs anywhere.

ASK originally stood for "African street kids". ASK ministry started when Kevin and Scott both had visions to reach Africa with clean water, food and medical care. Their callings were compatible with each other. So we will do ministry in Africa because God told us to.
God has also in the past called each of us individually to local ministries such as orphans, prisoners, and homeless. We get needy local people ask us for help and we usually provide for them. We have a friend and pastor of an inner city church in Garland we are working with and we did a shoe-giveaway ministry event for children at his church. So to continue those callings we should also have a local missions focus.
When Ukraine was attacked by Russia we donated money for the refugees and we helped some long-time missionaries and friends in Ukraine to transition to the US. So we will be flexible enough to meet needs as they occur.
If we stay prayerful, God will lead us in our future direction, which may be totally different from how he led us in the past.
ASK Ministries