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Prayer- Just Get the Conversation Started!


Starting a new relationship can be challenging and a bit intimidating! I have found that when I meet someone, I typically start out with the small talk routine such as, “Isn’t this weather gorgeous today?” or “So how is your day going?”. Typical conversation starters can be the beginning of a wonderful long term relationship. The thing is, we just need to get started, put ourselves out there and go for it! Sometimes the getting started is the hard part! Over time, the more we converse, the easier it gets and the more we get to know each other.

Starting a long term relationship with Jesus can begin in the same way, just get the conversation going (through prayer)! He wants to commune with us! Like any relationship, it takes time. It doesn't just happen overnight. It doesn’t have to be praying with big words or elegant speech. We just simply talk to Him. We must invest our time in it, cultivate it and stay committed to the relationship to keep it going and growing. We must consistently be present and communicate to develop a bond and trust with one another. The beautiful thing that happens when we pray, we are developing an intimate relationship with Christ. The word of God has invited us and commands us to pray. (Philippians 4;6-7) Jesus even taught his disciples to pray and gave them instructions and guidelines for prayer. He did this in the Sermon on the Mount and did it in a sequential way, with step-by-step essentials for building a solid foundation of prayer. (Matthew 6:9-13)

Prayer develops your relationship with Jesus. It builds your trust and faith in him and his promises. When we pray, God hears us and answers our prayers, even if they are not answered the way we want. Through prayer, I have seen God’s faithfulness over and over in my life and each time a prayer is answered, it grows my faith even more. The more I pray, the more comfortable I become talking with him, the more he reveals his will for my life. Give it a go, keep after it, make it a habit to talk with God every day, and before you know it, you will see your heart and life change. (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18)

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