ASK Ministries obey God - unite the church - serve the least
Uganda Mission Trip
Scott went with Crossroads Church Rowlett on a mission trip to Uganda in Feb. 2024. 466 people were saved! Link to photos
Scott is going on a mission trip to Africa in 2025.
Mully Children's Family in Kenya, Africa
Mully Children's Family (MCF) is very effective ministry in reaching street kids and moms in Kenya then later in the rest of Africa. They build self-sustaining centers where children and moms live, get fed and clothed, get education, get health care, learn job skills, and everything has a Christian focus. They build farms and poultry production at every center. They have 6 locations in Kenya now. The areas we can donate to: dorm construction, poultry building construction, supporting children, supporting moms and babies, general famine relief, etc.
Our Partners
Other MCF links
Mully Children's Family
Mully movie
We Need Your Help
PRAY - Pray for this highly effective ministry and for our support of them.
GIVE - Donate to MCF and 100% will go to MCFUSA.
GO - Sign up to go to Kenya and help MCF with their ministry.